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Weekly Dev Update #4

Weekly Dev Update #4

02 July 2018Admin

Hey Y’all,

Got a Winter weekly update for you.

Service Nodes

LLARP / Lokinet

If you’re lucky and join our Discord, you might also catch Jeff or Ryan the developers of LLARP live streaming as they code: https://www.twitch.tv/uguu25519https://www.twitch.tv/neuroscr

  • Released LokiNET 0.0.1

  • Progress continues on libllarp.

  • Updated LLARP’s command line utility.

  • GitHub Pulse Stats for the last week: Excluding merges, 2 authors have pushed 38 commits to master and 38 commits to all branches. On master, 144 files have changed and there have been 9,172 additions and 1,140 deletions.

  • All changes can be found at 



Architecture Team

  • Whitepaper V3 is in a round-table edit phase and 3rd party review, should be published mid – late next week.

  • We have continued to work with Dr Brendan Markey Towler and we have produced an 11 page paper detailing the game theoretical approach for how the staking requirement should be set, we still need to graph out some final values but were getting close to presenting our model.

Loki Android Wallet

Making good progress, should have the beta APK out for testing next week, Google play store will probably take a bit longer.



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