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Weekly Dev Update #25

Weekly Dev Update #25

03 December 2018Admin

Hey Y’all,

By the time this Dev Update is out, the Festive Freya mandatory upgrade period will have begun. This means ALL SERVICE NODE OPERATORS, ALL POOLS, AND ALL USERS NEED TO UPDATE to the Festive Freya release in anticipation for our December 13th network upgrade.

For Service Node operators you can get the new CLI wallet and Daemon here: https://github.com/loki-project/loki/releases/tag/v2.0.0

You can read more about the network upgrade and the features we are adding here: https://medium.com/@LokiNetwork/festive-freya-announcement-84ea86cc5574Loki Core

LLARP / Lokinet

Loki Messenger

Thanks,  Kee

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